Meditation can have a Positive Impact on Your Wellbeing
Enter your mobile number below to sign up and access one of our many meditations. Once you are signed up, you can even text 'I want to meditate' to our number and we will immediately reply with a direct link.
The Challenge
We all can have too many thoughts racing through our heads all day long. You can positively change your life by learning how to meditate.
Meditating takes time to get used to doing!
Take2Minute is here to help you by delivering a meditation every day along with your positive message text!
You can also request a meditation any time by sending a request via text. Frequency limitations apply based
on your subscription level. Learn more here.
You can change the time you receive your meditation
links and your positive messages in your settings.
Help us help you:
You can vote on our meditations so we learn more about what types of meditations you enjoy.
Take 2 Minutes
a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
EIN: 84-2321612