We have active subscribers in every state in the United States, every Province in Canada,
and many other countries that utilize the North American Numbering Plan (NANP).
Our newest subscriber from Texas signed up on Tue, Mar 25th at 11:14:17 PM CT.
We have other new subscribers from Ontario, Maryland, California, North Carolina, Idaho, and Pennsylvania .
A user in Florida completed a gratitude journal entry 23 minutes ago.
Here is a message that was recently liked by a subscriber in Texas:
"Weak muscles can be strengthened with time and effort. The same is true of your outlook. Consistently prioritizing the negative in your mind is exhausting as it robs you of energy and happiness. Pessimism only generates further misery. Instead, train your mind and build strength by setting an intention to banish such thoughts as they come. Stop yourself and think of something else, something positive. With time, it will become second nature."
The locations with the most users are California with 3315 users, Texas with 1982 users, Florida with 1845 users, New York with 1821 users, and Ontario with 1475 users.
The locations with the least number of users are Newfoundland and Labrador with 33 users, New Brunswick with 41 users, Vermont with 44 users, Wyoming with 46 users, and North Dakota with 46 users.
1 I am really appreciative of the daily messages. They make me stop and think about concrete actions I can take to be more positive and help me reflect on my mood.
2 I've ALWAYS wanted to keep a Gratitude Journal but did t know how to start. I enjoyed getting the prompts an reminders! You guys have a GREAT service here. Thank you!
3 I'm grateful for take2mins because you guys help me to stay grounded.
4 I enjoy the text-based system that Take2Minutes uses. It's a more reliable reminder than if it were an app on my phone I had to remember to check in every day with or even if they gave me a notification. I feel like since it's a text, even if I wipe away the notification it's still there when I open my messages app. It's not like a regular app notification where I swipe it away and it's gone forever and I forget about it.
5 I am so grateful that I started using Take 2 Minutes. Gratitude journaling and doing the 3 Good Things has really helped me change my attitude towards life. I am more positive in my mindset and try to look for silver linings in life's daily clouds.