What is Dream Journaling?

What is Dream Journaling Image Dream journaling is the practice of keeping a diary for your dreams. The process is simple: wake up, jot down your dreams, then start your morning routine. This could be in a notebook or through an interactive dream journaling service. Even though this might seem like a simple ritual, it has the potential to dramatically change your life.

Even though scientists don't fully understand dreams, there's one thing for certain: they represent your subconscious mind. This is the behind the scenes database that stores all of the data you take in but isn't in the forefront of the mind.

In fact, this is one of the reasons your dreams may be so easily forgotten. Since most people are widely unaware of their own subconscious, dreams are one of the only ways they can get in touch with them.

This means that dream journaling gives you the tools you need to get to know yourself better. In other words, by spending a few minutes recording your dream each morning, you can learn much about yourself.

Why Should I Keep a Dream Journal?

Whether you want to understand your deepest desires or uncover the meaning behind confusing dreams, dream journaling is a great solution. Learning how to dream journal can have some surprising impacts on your life.

Ultimately, dream journaling is a great form of self-care and allows you to learn more about yourself. Understanding oneself leads to higher self-esteem and lower stress and anxiety levels. That means if you're struggling, dream journaling can transform your life in many ways.

There are a few reasons why dream journaling is always a good idea:

  1. It helps you tap into your subconscious desires. Since most people are generally unaware of what they truly want out of life, dreams may be the easiest way to uncover that. Journaling about your dreams gives you a concrete place to record your dreams, which makes it easier to interpret them.
  2. Dream journaling is self-care. Intentionally setting time aside to care about yourself is paramount to good mental health. Consequently, taking a few minutes each morning to focus on your dreams helps mental health.
  3. It can help you to lucid dream. If you're on a journey to lucid dreaming, dream journaling is the best way to get there. Your dream journal creates a map of your dream world, which enables you to explore it at will.

Keeping a dream journal is a simple practice that will greatly impact your life. Even though it only takes a few minutes per day, you might be impressed with the difference it makes.

How to Dream Journal: Step-by-Step

Learning how to dream journal is easier than you might think. Feeling overwhelmed? There's no need to worry - we've done the heavy lifting for you. Here are five quick and easy steps you can take to start dream journaling today:

Step One: Pick a Platform

Take 2 Minutes Dream Journal Entry Example Did you know that you don't need to spend money on a notebook or diary to dream journal? In fact, limiting yourself to pen and paper could be holding you back. After all, life is busy. Wouldn't you rather pick a platform that can easily go wherever you are?

The best way to dream journal is online. With Take 2 Minutes, all you must do is pick up your phone, text a simple phrase, and you can instantly receive a link to your daily dream journal entry. Our dream journal entry form was created with you in mind and is the easiest and fastest way to get started with dream journaling.

The best part about our platform is that we walk you through the process. You won't need to worry about missing important details since our prompts ensure no detail goes undocumented. Once you complete your daily entry, we'll even store the information for you, which you can use to identify trends and reflect on past dreams.

It's no secret that smartphones have become an important part of life today. Why not use them to uncover the meanings behind your dreams?

Step Two: Start Dream Journaling

The key to dream journaling is accurately documenting what happens in your dreams. This means you'll need to wake each morning and record your dreams before moving on in your morning routine. Since your brain's pathways start compressing dream memories shortly after you wake up, the sooner you do this, the better.

Remember: your dream journal is your own. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to journal. There is only one important rule: write down as much as you can remember. Some people write in full sentences with perfect grammar and spelling. You can also choose to write "stream of consciousness" style, which could reveal more.

The number one most important thing to remember about dream journaling is this: you must stay consistent. Dream journaling is a journey to understanding your subconscious mind in a new way. In order to get the most out of your experience, data recording is paramount. You'll need to commit to writing in your journal every day to get the best results.

Step Three: Try Drawing Your Dreams

In addition to using the Take 2 Minutes virtual dream journal, you can also draw pictures of your dreams. Don't worry - you don't need to have exceptional artistic abilities to do this. A simple sketch is usually more than adequate to accompany your dream journal.

There aren't any special rules about what you should or shouldn't draw when it comes to your dreams. Here are a few ideas to help you get started:

  • Symbols
  • Landscapes
  • Faces
  • Scenery

To take this step to the next level, try creating a title for each dream. This adds a special artistic touch and can also help you get to the root of the message differently and creatively.

Step Four: Enjoy the Process

It can be tempting to put lots of pressure on yourself to remember more about your dreams. There's no doubt that, at times, the process can get frustrating, especially if you go days without recording an entry. However, it's important to remember to enjoy the process.

When you allow yourself to get frustrated with dream journaling, it can actually make you less likely to be successful. Keeping an open mind and being patient with yourself is undoubtedly the best way to go. When your mind and body are in a relaxed state, you'll find it easier to remember things about your dreams versus when you're feeling out of control and wound up.

If you're struggling with stress and it's hurting your dream journaling process, there are steps you can take to improve your mental state. Engaging in calming exercises like meditation or yoga are some examples of ways to battle stress and anxiety.

Ultimately, remember that dream journaling is meant to be an enlightening and fun process. If dream journaling is causing you anxiety, there's nothing wrong with taking a step back for a few days. Remember: you can always come back to it later.

Step Five: Review Entries Often

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of dream journaling is gaining the ability to locate patterns in your dreams. Thanks to an archive of entries, you can review past dreams and see repetitions that you likely would not have noticed before.

A good rule of thumb is to go back and review your dreams every two to three weeks. Grab a pen and paper or open your notes app and jot down any consistencies you see across dreams. Then, you can create a journal entry that explores the patterns you see in your dreams.

Dedicate some time to trying to identify what major themes or occurrences might mean - that's the power of dream journaling!

Dream Journal With Take 2 Minutes

At Take 2 Minutes, we're committed to making dream journaling a breeze. Simply sign up for an account, text a simple phrase, and we'll instantly send you a link to your own dream journal entry.

Our user-friendly form has fields where you can record your mood, dream categories, themes, and patterns. Then, we created freeform sections where you can name people in your dreams, describe locations, summarize, and more.

Our intuitive website has specially tailored tools that you can use to harness the power of dream journaling. At Take 2 Minutes, it is our mission to help you connect with yourself on a deeper level. Are you ready to change your life? Get started today.

11 Benefits of Dream Journaling

Benefits of Dream Journaling Image Dream journaling is an act of self-care that can make a big difference in your life. Even though the process usually only takes a few minutes, there are more benefits than you think. For example, did you know your dreams can help you heal from past trauma and tap into your creativity?

Not convinced? Here are 11 benefits of dream journaling you probably didn't know:

#1: Remember Your Dreams Better

You might wonder how you can journal about your dreams if you can't even remember them. If this sounds like you, you might be surprised to learn that dream journaling can help you remember your dreams better.

By making a conscious decision to journal about your dreams each morning, you train your brain to retain the information. With time and practice, you'll find it easier to remember your dreams daily.

#2: Connect with Your Subconscious Mind

Though not much is known about dreams, there's one certain thing: they're a reflection of your subconscious mind. This means that by putting in the effort to understand dreams, you're working to understand your subconscious mind, too.

Dream journaling is the perfect tool to connect with your subconscious. When you record your dreams, it empowers you to make more profound connections between what you dream and your life when you're awake. It's also easier to decipher what your subconscious might be trying to tell you when you journal about it.

#3: Gain Control of Your Dreams

Did you know that dream journaling is one of the best tools you can use to lucid dream? Lucid dreaming occurs when you're aware of your own dream state and can control what happens in your dreams. If you can learn how to lucid dream, you can eat unlimited amounts of ice cream or fly above the streets of Paris every night.

Learning how to lucid dream isn't an easy feat. It takes time, energy, and practice to achieve. Along with mindfulness exercises, dream journaling can help you on your path to lucid dreaming. When you can more easily distinguish between the dream world and the real world, you'll find it easier to control what happens while you're asleep.

#4: Tap Into Your Creativity

Vivid dreams are like cinematic masterpieces. They have unique settings, dialogues, and events. Sometimes, we dream in vivid color, while other times, we might dream in black and white. Have you ever considered using your dreams as fuel for your creativity?

If you haven't, what are you waiting for? Dreamscapes are raw creativity for the taking. If you want to start tapping into your creativity in dreams, you need to be dream journaling. The best way to get the most out of your efforts is to be as descriptive as possible. Give yourself plenty of time each morning to delve into the gritty details of the dream, and be mindful of how you express them on paper.

#5: Heal From Past Trauma

If you have trauma in your past, your dreams can help you heal from that. By dream journaling, you can gain a better understanding of what your dreams are trying to tell you. For example, a dream of cutting cords might indicate that in order to heal, you need to leave those who hurt you behind.

Without dream journaling, you may never realize the messages your subconscious mind is trying to send you. No matter how hard you try to push down the pain and hurt in your past, it will always find its way to the surface. This is especially true when it comes to what manifests in your dreams.

Using your dream journal to listen to your innermost emotions is a fantastic way to start healing from past traumas.

#6: Learn to Interpret Your Dreams

Have you ever woken up from a strange dream and wondered what it all means? If this sounds familiar, we're guessing you've identified major themes in your dream and plugged them into a search engine. While this is a good way to understand your dreams better, it's not the only way.

Dream journaling can empower you to interpret your dreams quickly and accurately every time. Like most things in life, the more you practice dream interpretation, the better you'll get at it.

Additionally, as you complete your dream journal entries, you'll begin to see patterns in your dreams. This could lead to you identifying symbols in your dreams that correspond with events in your life, which will aid you in interpreting what they mean to you.

#7: Flex Your Memory Muscles

We already know that dream journaling can help you better remember your dreams after you wake up. Another amazing benefit of this is that it can help you improve your memory overall. This is because flexing your memory muscles with your dreams trains your brain to retain information better.

Even if you're not a chronic forgetter, you can still benefit from this. For example, with better memory, you can learn new skills more quickly and efficiently. This can also aid in furthering your education and learning new facets of the things you're passionate about.

Overall, better memory function improves your quality of life.

#8: Boost Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

Dream journaling aids you in learning new things about yourself. When you listen to your subconscious mind, it gives you the power to make changes in your life for the better.

The result? Boosted confidence and better self-esteem. What if you had the tools to make decisions that were the best for you in the long term? Learning how to dream journal keeps you in touch with your innermost self.

The truth is you already have everything you need within to forge the best life for you - all you need to do is reach out and grab them. Dream journaling can help you identify these tools and use them to the best of your ability.

#9: Take Control of Your Morning

Dream journaling is the most successful when you consciously control the way you wake up in the morning. Jolting yourself awake from a dream state might help you get to work faster in the mornings. However, a better morning routine can completely transform your morning.

Dream journaling requires you to gently wake yourself from sleep. It also requires you to take a few minutes each morning to write in your journal. If you normally spend your mornings brewing a pot of coffee with your eyes closed or scrolling social media, dream journaling can be especially transformative for you.

There's no doubt that dedicating time to yourself each morning can dramatically improve your day. Commit to spending a few restful minutes each day writing in your journal. Then, pay attention to how being intentional in the morning noticeably changes your day.

#10: Process Your Emotions

Are you struggling with intense emotions? Do you want to finally find a way to let them go for good? Dream journaling can help.

Far too often, we compartmentalize our emotions and bury them inside. It can be especially hard to allow ourselves to feel negative feelings, which can lead to depression, anxiety, stress, and overall bad mental health.

What if we told you learning how to dream journal can help you process buried emotions?

It's no secret that dreams help us understand our subconscious. However, you might be surprised to learn that your emotions can control the way to live your life. This is true even if you're not aware of it since suppressed emotions live in your subconscious mind - the same place your dreams originate from.

#11: Reveal Dream Patterns

Have you ever had a recurring dream before? Having the same dream repeatedly often means there's an important subconscious message that you need to hear. Chances are, even if you don't recall patterns in your dreams, they're probably there.

Dream journaling gives you an avenue to find patterns in your dreams and take actionable steps to fix whatever is ailing you. Since dream journaling gives you a place to keep a detailed record of what you dream about, it will be easier than ever before to find patterns.

But why are dream patterns important? Patterns in your dreams never occur by accident. Instead, there are specific and important reason why patterns arise. The first step to uncovering this reason is recognizing the patterns in the first place. That's why dream journaling is so powerful!

The Bottom Line

Learning how to dream journal has the power to change your life for the better. When you commit to dream journaling, you make a unique commitment to truly understanding yourself. But that's not the only benefit.

Dream journaling has some surprising benefits. Whether you want to process heavy emotions or set a positive tone for the day in the morning, this practice can help. This practice may only take a few minutes each morning, but it has the power to dramatically improve not only the rest of your day but the rest of your life. Get started dream journaling with Take 2 Minutes today!