You choose your delivery schedule. It can be daily, weekdays, weekends, every other day, or whatever you want, and you also
pick the time, we will then send you an informational or otherwise positive text message at the times and days you have chosen.
With Take 2 Minutes, there is no obligation, no contract, and you can cancel at any time. Upon joining, you get free, full access
for the first 15 days
We have over 1700 positive messages ready to send to you.
Over 36100 users have received our positive messages; join the list!
You can vote on the messages you like by responding (based on a 5-start system) or by simply using tapbacks.
We have many, many more features and activities besides daily positive text messages. Check out our full list of activities.
We feature a robust chatbot that allows you to send requests and participate in activities via text (SMS).
Here is a message that was recently liked by a subscriber in Texas:
"Weak muscles can be strengthened with time and effort. The same is true of your outlook. Consistently prioritizing the negative in your mind is exhausting as it robs you of energy and happiness. Pessimism only generates further misery. Instead, train your mind and build strength by setting an intention to banish such thoughts as they come. Stop yourself and think of something else, something positive. With time, it will become second nature."
Over 596 messages have been sent to our subscribers today.
Simply sign up for our services and you are instantly setup to begin receiving our Positive Messages.
Normally you will get your first message within 90 minutes of signing up.
Having a bad day? Text us a now request and we will quickly get a positive message sent right out to you.
Our system is built on a robust Chatbot that allows you to send messages and requests back to use
more of our services. We have have a full texting cheatsheet
that overview some of the commands and requests that you can make.
1 Thank you so much for the gratitude challenge. You will never believe how timely it was for me and how it made me focus on the good and not bad. Through some bad news I honestly had to fight and make myself complete the gratitude text each morning but I did! And it always made me feel better. I would really love it if it was a continuous thing. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
2 The gratitude challenge was a wonderful experience. The suggested topics made me think and were deeply meaningful to me. The process fostered recognition of some joyful obvious I had been missing. Thank you!
3 I love seeing your messages come through each day. They often hit something I needed. I shared a message the other day with my teenage nephew. It was very timely for him.
4 I want to say that I am very thankful for this service that you provide. When things are tough and your mind is crowded with troubles, it can be difficult to remember that there are better days. This service butts into the middle of all those troubles and asks me to remember and focus on the way those good days felt.
5 This service delivers actual positivity, constantly, to me and it helped cure my wrong cognitive mindsets bit by bit. I have had medium depression since my middle school. Take2Minutes is meaningful to me, and I believe, many others like me. Thank you for bringing actual positivity to the world.